Kalender (för gamla gig)
Maxi Dread Experience (Blues/Reggae)
Friday, %s. June 2016, 22:00
Maxi Dread is a highly energized modern Bluesman, Artist and Producer with deep roots and a repertoire that spans from down home style delta grooves and Afro Mandingo Riffs to Reggae and high octane funk, via a large portion Chicago roar and Motown beats,all with an ancient Folk vibe that calls out to Your Soul.
Armed with a solid pack of original songs and instrumentals, influenced by the likes of Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix and Hound Dog Taylor among others, He throws in his own interpretation of the occasional classic as well.
A Maxi Dread concert is a passionate, sweaty and dynamic affair – The blues at it’s best!
For more information, you can visit the Maxi Dread website:
The performers on the night will be:
Maxi Dread: Guitars/Vocals
Erik Petersson: Hammond Organ
Jonathan Lawrence (AUS): Bass
Frederik Dahllöf: Drums
Location Bistro Hijazz
You can contact me on: 076074780\nOr at my email: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.