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Neighbourhood/ funk/soul

Saturday, %s. April 2010

Bandmedlemmar nKristian Persson - Trombone
Jens Filipsson - Saxophones
Jonne Bentlöv - Trumpets
Edvin Nahlin - Keys
Aleks Brdarski - Bass
Sebastian Ågren - D rums

Om Neighbourhood
The music of Neighbourhood is a mind-blow ing and energetic mix of jazz, funk and soul. Their repertoire offers a w ide spectrum of hard-hitting and funky songs to soft and gentle love balla ds. Their influences reach back to the happy days of the JB..s and Herbie Hancocks Headhunters and forward to the modern neo-soul of RH Factor and S oulive. Neighbourhood are planning to release their debut album during fal l of 2009.

Bandavg, 60:- Varmt välkomna!

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