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Voxhall Blues/ Göteborg

Friday, %s. October 2009
Ulf Andreasson, Guitar, Song -
Erik Billand er, Bass -
Tommy Johansson, Drums, Song -
Willy Brink, Keyboard, Song

Om Voxhall Blues
Voxhall Blues appeared as a band in summer 20 02 on the island Styrsö close to Gothenburg in Sweden. The band has, sinc e then, partly changed personnel and today they have formed a well workin g group. Four very experienced musicians with varying backgrounds in the f ield of blues, rhythm n blues, folk music, rock n roll, soul etc has j oined together to do what makes them happy. The main issue is to have fun together and bring joy to them who cares to listen and see them perform. T he band has received a lot of appreciation for their swinging blues with a touch of country and soul. “Voxhall bluesband outplays most bands. And th at´s an understatement. Don´t you ever miss this”

Bandavg; 70:- Varm t välkomna och häng med Götana!

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