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Thursday, %s. October 2008
Blandadae musiker från Sverige, England ,Senegal, Gambia på kora/gitar, trummor, percussion o bas!


RAVI performs original songs with kora & guitar taking i nfluences from pop, rock, black, jazz and world music.

Quotes abou t RAVI: "a walking testament to the success of
multicuturalism" Songlin es "A VIRTUOSO" - The Times "A Universal
Musician" - Hermeto Pascual
n CONCERT REVIEWS: "The term "world music" was invented for nights like t his” The Independant “In the hands of RAVI, the kora, as well as being gentle and hypnotic, can produce power chords with the best of them. The effect is exciting” Glasgow Herald “British-born kora player Ravi delight ed with his multi-ethnic aural
tapestries” The Scotsman CD REVIEWS: an equally atmospheric, gentle and spellbinding blend fRoots
listening deli ght Rock n Reel a graceful flow Dirty Linen

ABOUT RAVI: played kora si nce 1985; developed a unique electric/sterreo kora; released over ...

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